Don't settle for high price items that are difficult to sell. Make your life easy and find a product that sells itself, based on price and quality. Ask for references and see if the people running the show are honest in their dealings. A company is only as good as it's management. The same applies for it's integrity. Your business priorities should be in the following order.
(1). God
(2). Family
(3). Job (If employed)
(4). Your Network Marketing business.
Any MLM that teaches otherwise has its priorities wrong and will eventually wind up in Chapter 11 or worse.
Find a program that will not force you to pay money for "Training Kits" or "Training Seminars". Helping you learn the business should be a priority to your upline/MLM organization. Do some research on the people "At The Top" of the MLM you are interested in.
(1). God
(2). Family
(3). Job (If employed)
(4). Your Network Marketing business.
Any MLM that teaches otherwise has its priorities wrong and will eventually wind up in Chapter 11 or worse.
Find a program that will not force you to pay money for "Training Kits" or "Training Seminars". Helping you learn the business should be a priority to your upline/MLM organization. Do some research on the people "At The Top" of the MLM you are interested in.
Why Not Examine The Cognigen Opportunity?
Consider what you have just learned, then add the following facts about multi-leveling marketing and Cognigen Networks, Inc..Fact 1- Multilevel Marketing Works.
Fact 2 - The Internet is the only global medium that allows people to compete on common ground with corporations and each other.
Fact 3 - Telecommunications is a 1 Trillion dollar industry.
Fact 4 - If you are paying more than 2.49 cents/minute for your long distance service, you are paying TOO MUCH!
Fact 5 - If you are not receiving a 6-12% commission on your OWN long distance account, you're giving your money away.
Fact 4 - If you are paying more than 2.49 cents/minute for your long distance service, you are paying TOO MUCH!
Fact 5 - If you are not receiving a 6-12% commission on your OWN long distance account, you're giving your money away.
Fact 6 - Broadband is here! If you are not receiving a 6-12% commission on your internet service (or a $100 rebate check for signing up with DSL), you're giving your money away.
To evaluate Cognigen's Income Opportunity, click on the following link: Cognigen Networks, Inc.
To evaluate Cognigen's Income Opportunity, click on the following link: Cognigen Networks, Inc.