In This Economy, You Might Have To Protect Your Home From Foreclosue Or Your Assets From Seizure!
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We provide sales, marketing, recruiting and sponsoring insights for IMG.Ws work from home Associates and the general public. Our purpose is to frankly and openly discuss the reasons why so many people fail in home businesses, and recommend alternative strategies that can be used instead of failure producing activities.
When governments, corporations, small businesses and/or institutions can no longer provide adequate or stable employment or income for you and your family, it is up to you to do something.
In addition, online companies go out of business all the time. They are here today, hot for awhile and they are gone tomorrow. What are you doing to protect yourself from losing your downline or referrals?
So why not start doing something today?
First: Do Some Serious Thinking!
Consider all your alternatives in an intelligent and thoughtful manner because, today, no job or career is safe in this economy. Think about this for a minute. What can you really do and what skills or knowledge do you really have, right now, today, that will help you and everyone you know substantially increase income or cash flow?The Honest Answer:
Since investment income for the vast majority is still unreliable, beyond what you are doing right now to have an income, you really have few viable choices. WHY? Your income choices are dependent on many factors and most of them you have little or no control over.Second: Examine Your Options!Considering the reality of your current cash flow situation, what are your available options or alternatives for short term and long term income needs? Many will try getting a better career or job, more education or acquire more skill or knowledge. Unfortunately, these options may still require someone to hire you and pay you. In a shrinking economy, your outlook is still grim and dim.Think About This:
What Would Happen To Your Income If Over 2,800,000 People Gave You $1.00?
What's The REAL TRUTH When It Comes To Online Income?
A. You can't MAKE MONEY on or off the Internet. Only a government can legally print, coin or MAKE money. We must EARN ours by whatever legal means possible.
B. So many millions of people spend all their usable time, talents and resources trying to MAKE money, when it realistically, practically and legally cannot be done.
C. You won't get rich by next Monday. However, any person with poor or modest monetary means can put a process in motion that will generate significant income in 90 days or less.
D. You will not double your money every week. (If Warren Buffett and Bill Gates can't do it, neither can you!)
E. Nobody's going to flood your PayPal account with money while you sleep. (Despite all the online promotion, it's not true.)
F. The so-called "Internet Gurus" don't care about you... they care about getting their hands on your money.
G. Many MLMers and networking organizations try to alter the successful 5x6 matrix by reducing it to 2 or 3. You hear it and see it all the time. "Get 2 who get 2 who get 2" or "Get three who get three who get three". It is not easier to do. It just sounds easier to do than getting 5.
H. People online and off will lie to you to get you to send them money. (Not just some people... MOST people!)
I. When honest people deal with dishonest people, the dishonest people ALWAYS WIN in the short term! (This is one of the little known reasons why so many people lose and don't earn any real money on the Internet!)
What's The GOOD NEWS About Reality Networkers?
A. You don't have to be victimized anymore - Reality Networkers will work with you and for you if work the system. (Isn't THIS good to know?)
B. You CAN earn money on and off the Internet... LOTS of money! (IF you understand, use and work Reality's 5x6 system.)
C. As a Confirmed Level 1 Member, you don't have to lie or cheat other people to earn money! (It's a fact! Honesty pays and Honesty works at Reality Networkers!)
D. At Reality Networkers, you can get all the help you want... when you need it... from REAL PEOPLE! (And it won't cost you a dime!)
To view this dynamic wealth building program concept for yourself click here.
A reciprocal link is a mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites to ensure mutual traffic. Since the inbound link is a very important factor when search engines decide the ranking of a website both in value and search result, a lot of webmaster use reciprocal links to get inbound links.
So, don't be surprised if you see a "partners" or "resources" page of a website that is full of links. There is a very special type of reciprocal link called a "3-ways-linking" or "multi-ways-linking", which works as "Site A" links to "Site B", "Site B" links to "Site C" and "Site C" links to "Site A".
To get reciprocal links is very simple and below are 2 common methods:
First: Join a link exchange website and request a reciprocal link with another website. There are many very famous link exchange websites you can leverage, such as, build-reciprocal-links.com etc. These websites also have a functional that allows you to check whether your link has really been put on the other website.
Second: Add a "Link Exchange" page to your own website. If you have regular visitors to your website, and your website has informative or interesting content, you can request a link exchange from your visitors and build up reciprocal links. Some websites even have a website directory that stores websites they have reciprocal links with.
Site reciprocal linking is no longer effective and can actually accrue penalties toward your website/s. Google and other SE's (Search Engines) can easily find these pages and discount them. However, this does not mean all reciprocal linking is ineffective.
Google states on their "link schemes" page that "Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")" is in violation of their Webmaster guidelines. Notice the word "excessive" being used twice in there.
This means that selective link exchanges between quality sites is not against their guidelines and and it still works! But if you have many websites, avoid tactics like "Site A" pointing to "Site B", "Site C", "Site D", and "Site B" points to "Site A", "Site C", "Site D", etc. This will be very easily captured by Google and treated as "excessive reciprocal linking".
There are 2 ways you can use:
The first method is to use 3-ways-linking or multi-ways-linking described above, and it is very difficult for Google to consider these methods excessive. If you have multiple websites, this is definitely the method you should use.
The second way is a contextual link exchange. The word here is a little bit new. Let me describe it a little bit here. Instead of simply putting a link to the other website, you put the link within the article you have written for your website. Links that appear within content are much more "natural" looking than sidebar and footer links. What's even more important is Google likes contextual links.
Successful Factors for Reciprocal Linking
In order to make sure you have a successful reciprocal links compaign when promoting your website/s, you should pay attention to these factors listed below:
Only exchange links with relevant websites. If your site is talking about web hosting, there is no need to exchange links with a website that is talking about games. Google will put a negative score to your site for irrelevant links.
Content is still the king when it comes to developing your website, no matter how many reciprocal links you have. If you cannot provide good content for online readers, all your effort will result in nothing.
Article by Ivy.Thai
Article Source: Webhostingclue.com
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