Sunday, October 5, 2008

You Need To Know What You Are Saying

The Overwhelming majority of people in sales, marketing and networking have no idea what they are really saying to themselves and others. You need to know what you are really saying when you speak. For example: When you tell someone you want to go into business for yourself, do you really know what you are saying?

If you don't know, let me tell you. By definition, you are saying, "You want an occupation that generates income. Since you are going into business for yourself, you want to be your own boss. Some people are terrible bosses and that might include you. Why? Because they are or were terrible employees.

A Bad Employee Is An Even Worse Boss

If you do not have a disciplined work ethic, you absolutely will not have a disciplined management ethic. If you do not have a personal work philosophy, you absolutely will not have a personal management philosophy. If you can not work with honesty and integrity with others, you absolutely will not have integrity and/or honesty as your own boss. Now do you understand why so many businesses fail. A bad employee is an even worse manager or boss.

Ask yourself. What are the characteristics or traits of a good employee? You will discover, they are the same characteristics and traits of a good boss. Many people go into occupations (businesses) for the wrong reasons. Just because you don't want to work for someone else does not necessarily mean you have what it takes to go into business (an occupation) for yourself.

Many people need jobs or they will not survive. That's why IMG.Ws does not and will not advocate quitting your job or firing your boss to go into business (an occupation) for yourself. Why? The vast majority will fall flat on their faces. Why? They are not good employees. Many are lazy, deceitful, liars, cheats, deadbeats, immoral, undisciplined, unruly, boastful, lovers of pleasure, unreliable, untrustworthy, disloyal, lack initiative, have bad temperments, poor attitudes, little or no faith or possess a host of other unsavory character traits.

If they are educated or highly trained or skilled, they are too intellectual, socialistic, egotistical, conniving, aloof, introverted, isolated, pedantic, bookish, overly sensitive, fearful, methodical or have too many idiosyncracies. As an employee, they can and will survive on someone's job. As a self-employed individual they will absolutely fail unless they are willing to change. If any of this describes you, be willing to grow, develop and change or fail, the choice is yours.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Truth & Integrity

When you speak the truth you will succeed in business or any endeavor in which you choose to devote your time, talents and abilities. For example, if you exaggerate an individual's problem, to increase your income, you will run into problems.

The individual can sense the lie, no matter how sincere you act. If you are caught in the lie, you may pay a severe price over and beyond the actual lie itself.
If you understate an individual's problem, you are failing to state what you know to be true. Thus, you are preventing an individual from making proper decisions.

You must look an individual in the eye and without hesitation deal with the truth. Dealing with and stating the truth allows an individual to act accordingly.

When you have spoken the truth, you have done what is right, even if the individual does not like hearing the truth. When you have the courage to call the truth the truth and speak it without fear or hesitation, you become a much more powerful force. You will discover it is much easier to hold a position on honest facts and absolute truth, than anything else.

Then the question becomes, "What is the truth? Webster defines truth as conforming to fact or reality. In business, government and interaction with others, truth is considered what you know, can prove, have observed or experienced to be an absolute fact. Real truth is the Word of YHVH (GOD). When you know this truth, you refuse to participate in lies, deceit, deception or misrepresentation of facts. Truth is an absolute. It is the same for every man, woman or child. Either it works, or it doesn't. Either it is or is not.

To gain a better understanding of truth, we must define true. According to Webster, true is being faithful to fact or reality; not false or erroneous, being real, genuine, not counterfeit or being honest. Unfortunately, what many believe and consider to be true and truth is not truth at all, but virtue, fidelity, loyalty, being consistent with one's values or being correct or accurate. As an IMGWS Associate, it is important to know truth and the value of truth. This is vitally important because it has everything to do with your personal integrity.


Webster defines integrity as uprightness of character; probity, soundness, an unimpaired state or honesty. Contrary to popular belief, integrity does not mean sticking to your personal code of conduct or adhering to what you decide is right or wrong. This is absolute madness, because every individual has his/her own belief, concept or precept as to what is right or wrong. If this were the case, the world would be in total chaos and it is not.

The reason why it is not, is because YHVH (GOD) established universal laws and principles that transcend an individual's or humanity's knowledge, capabilities, abilities, intelligence and understanding. Consequently, these laws and principles cannot be changed or altered by anyone. This is a good thing. It keeps some idiot or a "limped-brained" dictator from interfering with the natural order of all things.

Once you understand this, it is much easier to live a life filled with and controlled by personal integrity. When you live with integrity, you will succeed because you are opened and honest. Your life is uncomplicated and less stressful. You have no reason to lie and you have nothing to hide from anyone, at anytime, day or night. There is no better way to live or conduct your business affairs.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Why PayDotCom Is An Exceptional Marketplace For Affiliate Products & Services


If you are familiar with (R), or even if you are not; but you want to make profits online, then you will want to examine PayDotCom.

While Clickbank is a great marketplace, PayDotCom is different in 3 areas that are essential to maximizing online income.

1. PayDotCom does not limit what you can market and/or sell.
2. There are few restrictions to selling products and/or services.
3. An Associate can earn commissions from PayDotCom and vendors...

This is great news about a great new service. PayDotCom is a new FREE marketplace where IMG.Ws Associates can sell any product they want. You can sell and/or market your own product, service or information and you can become an instant Affiliate for any item in their huge marketplace and you can join without any cost to you.

This site is going to revolutionize the Internet marketplace. PayDotCom is rapidly become the marketplace of choice for serious online marketers. Since opening an account is free, get yours now and see how much they offer...

Additional Advantages At PayDotCom include..

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So why not get your FREE account now? I have provided a link your convenience. PayDotCom

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Promote Your Website With Reciprocal Links

What Is A Reciprocal Link

A reciprocal link is a mutual link between two objects, commonly between two websites to ensure mutual traffic. Since the inbound link is a very important factor when search engines decide the ranking of a website both in value and search result, a lot of webmaster use reciprocal links to get inbound links.

So, don't be surprised if you see a "partners" or "resources" page of a website that is full of links. There is a very special type of reciprocal link called a "3-ways-linking" or "multi-ways-linking", which works as "Site A" links to "Site B", "Site B" links to "Site C" and "Site C" links to "Site A".

How to Get Receiprocal Links

To get reciprocal links is very simple and below are 2 common methods:

First: Join a link exchange website and request a reciprocal link with another website. There are many very famous link exchange websites you can leverage, such as, etc. These websites also have a functional that allows you to check whether your link has really been put on the other website.

Second: Add a "Link Exchange" page to your own website. If you have regular visitors to your website, and your website has informative or interesting content, you can request a link exchange from your visitors and build up reciprocal links. Some websites even have a website directory that stores websites they have reciprocal links with.

Is Reciprocal Linking Still Effective?

Site reciprocal linking is no longer effective and can actually accrue penalties toward your website/s. Google and other SE's (Search Engines) can easily find these pages and discount them. However, this does not mean all reciprocal linking is ineffective.

Google states on their "link schemes" page that "Excessive reciprocal links or excessive link exchanging ("Link to me and I'll link to you.")" is in violation of their Webmaster guidelines. Notice the word "excessive" being used twice in there.

This means that selective link exchanges between quality sites is not against their guidelines and and it still works! But if you have many websites, avoid tactics like "Site A" pointing to "Site B", "Site C", "Site D", and "Site B" points to "Site A", "Site C", "Site D", etc. This will be very easily captured by Google and treated as "excessive reciprocal linking".

What's the Most Effective Ways to Get High Quality Reciprocal Links?

There are 2 ways you can use:

The first method is to use 3-ways-linking or multi-ways-linking described above, and it is very difficult for Google to consider these methods excessive. If you have multiple websites, this is definitely the method you should use.

The second way is a contextual link exchange. The word here is a little bit new. Let me describe it a little bit here. Instead of simply putting a link to the other website, you put the link within the article you have written for your website. Links that appear within content are much more "natural" looking than sidebar and footer links. What's even more important is Google likes contextual links.

Successful Factors for Reciprocal Linking

In order to make sure you have a successful reciprocal links compaign when promoting your website/s, you should pay attention to these factors listed below:

Only exchange links with relevant websites. If your site is talking about web hosting, there is no need to exchange links with a website that is talking about games. Google will put a negative score to your site for irrelevant links.

Content is still the king when it comes to developing your website, no matter how many reciprocal links you have. If you cannot provide good content for online readers, all your effort will result in nothing.

Article by Ivy.Thai
Article Source:

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Phishing Scam Alert

Types of Internet Banking Fraud

Nothing’s easier than online banking. Just log in, view your bills, pay them, check on other accounts, and so on. I mean, aside from my grandparents, who doesn’t use the internet to bank these days?

While it’s more secure than ever before, and in my opinion, much safer than the old-fashioned paper-bill method, you still have to keep an eye out for scammers and internet fraud types who are trying to get their hands on your money.

Phishing Scams

Chances are, you know all about these. Phishing scams or “spoofing scams” are not only pretty common, they’re probably the most insulting way thieves get their hands on your personal information. Why? Because you hand it right over to them.

In phishing scams, crooks send a mass email to every address they can find, and they look like they come from your bank. They then ask you to update your profile (personal account number, passwords, social security numbers, mom’s maiden name, birthday, etc.) Before you know it, all of it is in the hands of an internet fraud scammer.

You probably think this wouldn’t happen to you. But it’s not always that easy to spot an internet banking fraud scam. In some cases, good phishing scams can be really hard to discern from the real thing. There may be a graphic or logo from your bank on the email, or the website they link you to is so real looking, even you could be fooled. By the time they’re through, they have all the information needed to break into your account, open credit cards in your name, etc.

Protecting Yourself From Phishing Scams

Bank of America offers the award-winning SiteKeyTM tool, which shows you an image (chosen by you in advance), then asks you to enter another password before you get access to your account. That way, it’s easy to tell if you’re on a bogus site.

What if your bank doesn’t offer this kind of protection? Well, no legitimate bank would send an email asking you to update your personal information. So if you get one, you know it’s one of those phishing scams. Forward it to your bank or the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), mark it as “spam” in your mailbox, or just delete it.

Spyware and Viruses

Spyware and viruses are nasty little programs that are loaded on your computer without your knowledge (usually by clicking on shady-looking pop-up ads). Sometimes they destroy information on your computer. Other times, they bombard you with so many ads, that you want to toss your computer out the window.

Then there’s the spyware that just sits there quietly, disguised as a real application, collecting all your private information.
While it’s not exactly like those phishing scams, this kind of internet fraud puts the same secret information into the hands of thieves.

So called "Trojan horses" are also a good way for internet fraud specialists to get their hands on your account. Often times, these are disguised as or embedded within harmless looking software (computer clock setting programs, weather alert software, etc.) But these creatures are just trying to get access to your private information. They can also come in the form of a stand-alone program like a game or a screensaver.
So, what should you do? If you don’t have it already, get good anti-virus protection, anti-spywear, and a firewall for your home computer.

How’s Your Bank Helping with Internet Fraud?

Your bank should provide you with protection, too. After all, a good online banking fraud detection and prevention system is good for business. I’m not sure what kind of internet fraud protection your bank offers, but, Bank of America's Online Banking has:

1. Firewalls to help block unauthorized access by individuals or networks

2. Encryption technology, like Secure Socket Layer (SSL), to help transmitted info stay between you and Bank of America.

3. Secure email via Online Banking Award-winning SiteKeyTM service to help keep the wrong people out of your accounts.

Other Ways to Battle Internet Fraud

The best thing about banking online is how quickly you can access your accounts. Here are some ways you can use it to help cut down on internet banking fraud:

1. Go online often and check your account activity. This will help you detect internet fraud and identity theft almost instantly.

2. Set up email alerts – some banks give you the option to get alerts if your account drops below a certain amount. Then you’ll know if someone’s been messing with your account .

3. If you can, switch to online statements and electronic bills (e-bills) instead of mailed paper statements. This could help cut the risk of mail fraud.

Despite all the fancy internet fraud measures out there, the best fraud detection and prevention system is you. Bottom line is – you control the information you give out – and you’re the person who protects it. Keep all your personal or account information in a safe place, and don’t give it to anyone you don’t trust completely. When it comes to internet banking fraud and phishing scams, it’s good to be a skeptic.

Brit Hall is a freelance writer – and Bank of America customer – who writes articles for young adults about managing expenses, eliminating debt, and other personal finance issues.

Article Source:

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Why Smut & Porn Peddlers Are Losers

Recently, we have been receiving hundreds of emails from porn and smut peddlers from around the world. These poor, misinformed and misguided individuals have no idea what they are doing to themselves.

There is no honor, reward, virtue, glory or success in demeaning women, yourself or others. Smut and porn are degrading and those that peddle them are degrading themselves.

Even those that peddle smut and porn must feel dirty, low, despicable and ashamed. If this were not true, why do they use phony names, locations and pirated email addresses and domains?

Plus, the life and times of those in the porn industry is one of pain and tragedy. Those that put money above principle always lose. All the material acquisition, products or services this world has to offer will not change this reality.

Neither will one's culture or his/her society's lack of moral standards. 6,000 years of recorded history proves this fact. So why lower your personal standards and slide into self destruction? It's not worth it.